Sunday, May 6, 2012

Sleepy grace

I am a mother of two young children. Most days, my head hits the pillow and sleep come over me like a crashing wave. Sleep washes away the old, and brings the hope of new beginnings. How I welcome these momentary deaths.

Sometimes, sleep delays. On these nights, I beg for it to slay me. Let me be consumed by its force but do not leave me awake, tortured.

While Adam was sleeping, God made Eve. The first sleep mentioned in the Bible. Adam was awaken to the dawn of nuptial love. Her father brought her to him. In the twilight, they walked in the Garden when the earth was still young. No other husband and wife have known joy so great, though their time was brief.


Sleep reminds us that we are not God. Made of dust turned into flesh and bones, we are confined by our frames. We need to die — everyday — in order to live.

Sleep requires trust, and submission to the order of things. Unconscious, we are vulnerable, with little control over our minds and bodies. Sleep comes to those who know they are kept in safety. As someone once said: "Sometimes the godliest thing you can do in the universe is get a good night's sleep — not pray all night, but sleep."


Serenely said...

Almost midnight your time. Hope you’re fast asleep by now and only reading this comment when you’re bright and bushy-tailed after some well-earned sleep

N. said...

What a great quote to end with. I can totally relate with this post...sleep's been a big topic for me too. :)

Ruth@GraceLaced said...

Yes--it is truly a reminder that we are made finite, and that we are meant to depend, on our God, who delights in providing.

Michelle @ The Willing Cook said...

"Sleep requires trust, and submission to the order of things. Unconscious, we are vulnerable, with little control over our minds and bodies. Sleep comes to those who know they are kept in safety."

There was a time in the recent past when I was unable to experience this trust. Oh the pain! Oh the lesson learned! Oh the grace in the dawn of His new day!

Irene Sun said...

Sweet Serene -- Thank you. I smiled as I read your comment bright and early this morning. Sleep was tremendously kind to me last night -- as are you!

Noelle -- Sleep wasn't such a big topic for me until I had children! :-)That was when I finally realized its preciousness.

Ruth -- "God delights in providing" - what a great reminder. Thank you. =)

Michelle -- Yes, this post was born out of a lesson learned the hard way. Praise the Lord for new mornings!

Hans Sun said...

It's amazing how that bear sticks to him. He rolls and shifts all over his crib, but that bear manages to stay in the crook of his arm.