Friday, May 11, 2012

I hope I can love like this someday

If your soul need some lightening today, these two videos might draw the curtains and brighten your darkness a little. They are stories about love, of the self-sacrificing, self-forgetting kind.

The first story is about an older pair of husband and wife. Seven or eight years ago, Hans read this book to me by the fireplace from cover to cover, A Promise Kept. I was visiting Minneapolis. We were still considering marriage. I had very little idea what marriage was about. It was good to hear the story again after all these years.

You can read their story by Christianity Today.
"Living by Vows," the story behind this video. (1990)
"Muriel's Blessings," his reflection on the mystery of love fourteen years later. (2004) I've read this several times over the years. I can't make it through without some tears.

The second story is about a younger pair of husband and wife, at the beginning their life together.

I have loved and cried over Larissa's writings about her husband and best friend. This is my favorite so far, "A Daily Disabled Life."


Serenely said...

Thanks for sharing. I don't know if the strength to love like that lies within me, but it's something to aspire toward. Wiping some tears away as I write this comment.

Swansea said...

ahh that made me cry... their stories are so beautiful. like you said, i hope i can love like this someday.

Wini said...

so beautiful. thanks for sharing. what a beautiful reminder to go back to the primary things and to love our spouse truly and deeply. God be glorified